Saturday 16 May 2015

Sa'id bin Jubair (Died 95 H)

His full name was Sa'id bin Jubair al-Asadi al-Kufi, who has the nickname "Abu Abdillah," he an expert fiqh, the reader al-Qur'an eloquent and expert worship. Sufyan ats-Thaury be put Him first of the Ibrahim an-Nakha'I, he said: "Take the interpretation of four people, namely from Sa'id bin Jubair, Mujahid, Ikrimah and adl-Dlahhak".

Ibn Jubair ever wrote to Abdullah ibn Mas'ud bin Utbah when Abdullah became Qodli in Kuffah. Thereafter he wrote for Burdah bin Abi Abi Musa.

Sa'id bin Jubair narrated from Abdullah bi az-Zubair, Anas bin Malik, Abu Sa'id al Qudri, of them is the hadith-hadith Musnad. However, he did not hear directly from Abu Hurayrah, Abu Musa al-Ash'ari, Ali, Aisha Sayiidah. So all of their history is Mursal.

On this Yahya ibn Sa'id said: "Sa'id Mursal hadiths more I love about the hadiths Mursal Atha '".

Who narrated the hadith of Sa'id bin Jubair among others: al-Amasi, Mansour bin al-Mu'tamir, Ya'la bin Hakim, ats-Thaqafi, and Simak bin Harb.

Maimun ibn Mahran said: "Sa'id bin Jubair died, when the people need knowledge".He died in 95 H in Kuffah.


- Biography bi Sa'id Sa'ad Ibn Jubair in Thabaqat 6/178, Tahdheeb at Tahdheeb Ibn Hajar 4/11.

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