Friday, 10 April 2015

5 Other Companions of the Prophet edition (22)

Uqbah bin Najiyah (Died 9 H) 
His full name is bin Uqbah bin Najiah Iqal bin Muhammad bin Sofyan, it was the Arab leaders and future leaders in the Tamim tribe of ignorance and this is the citizens Tamim Islam Her first paying ransom in order not to grow their tribe daughter alive, so when Islam appeared he had 104 the daughter of parents who redeems their merekamasing not to be planted. 

Suhail bin Amr (Died 15 H) 
His full name is Suhail bin Amr bin Abdu Shams Al Amiri, he is the leader of the Quraysh delegation Hudaibiah agreement. Muslims succeeded in captivating in the battle of Badr, but he was released after paying a ransom himself. He remained in their original religion until the conquest of Mecca. That's when he converted to Islam, so leave and live in Medina. He had followed the civil war of conquest Sham (Syria and vicinity) and the Yarmuk and died in the last war. 

Sulaiman bin Sharad (Died 65 H) 
His full name is Sulaiman bin Sharad June bin Abdul Uzza ibn Abu June Munqiz bin Al-As-Saluli Khuza`i, a friend who was called by Abu Mathraf. Previously, he was named Yasar then replaced by the Prophet respectfully. with Solomon. It was he the leader of Jamaat those who repent who avenge the deaths of Imam Hussain. He was killed in battle against the army of Abdullah ibn Ziyad. 

Suraqah bin Malik (Died 24 H)  
This companions caught up with the Prophet respectfully when migrated to Madinah, but thanks to the prayer of the Prophet respectfully, both feet planted in the sand horse. On plea himself he asked for his release, on condition that he would not tell anyone. This he converted to Islam in the conquest of Mecca and died in the reign of Uthman. 

Talha bin Abdullah (Died 36 H) 
His full name is Talha bin 'Abdullah ibn Uthman ibn Ka'b bin Said, the origin of the Quraish friend is one of six consultants Prophet respectfully and including ten people are projected to go to heaven by the Prophet. He is following the battle of Uhud and suffered severe injuries outstanding. He made himself a shield for the Prophet respectfully and divert arrow will pierce themselves Prophet respectfully with his hand so that all her fingers cut off. He died of archery in war Jamal.

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