Thursday 9 April 2015

Abdullah bin Rawahah (Died 8 H)

Friends of the origin of the tribe Khajraj Ansar including people who converted to Islam from an early age, which is one of the leaders in Akabah allegiance. He had followed the battle of Badr and wars after that, he finally died in the war Muktah.

Rasululloh Shallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam was sitting on a plateau where the city of Mecca, the face of the messengers who come from the city of Medina, with hide-hidden from the Quraysh. Those who came consists of twelve delegates tribe or group that became known as the Ansar tribe. They were inducted Apostle (Promise taken the oath of allegiance) is also famous by the name of Al-Aqabah Bai'ah al-Ula (first Aqabah). They are carrier and IsIam ​​penyi'ar first to the city of Medina, and the allegiance they who paved the way for the Prophet migrated along with his followers, who then, bring rapid progress for Religion of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala that is Islam. One of the delegates who inducted the Prophet, was' Abd Allah ibn Rawahah.

In the following year, Rasululloh Shallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam inducted again seventy three Ansar of Medina residents in allegiance' Aqabah second, where Abdullah Ibn Rawahah is also included in one of the delegates who were inducted.

Then after Rasululloh Shallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam together companions migrated to Medina and stayed there, then' Abd Allah ibn Rawahah step that most businesses and activities in defense of religion and strengthen joints. Is the most vigilant oversee lunge and guile Abdulla bin Ubay (group leaders hypocrites) who by the people of Medina had been prepared to be appointed as king before Islam moved there, and who incessantly trying to impose Islam by not wasting any occasion which exists. Thanks to the vigilance 'Abd Allah ibn Rawahah constantly follow the movements of Abdullah bin Ubay carefully, then
unsuccessful his efforts, and his evil intentions towards Islam can be broken.Ibn Rawahah 
Ibn Rawahah is a writer living in an environment of scarce degan intelligence had written read. He is also a poet smooth, strands poems glide of his tongue with a strong and beautiful to hear ....Since he converted to Islam, dibaktikannya ability recite it to serve for the glory of Islam ... ..And Rasululloh Shallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam like and enjoy poems and often he asked to be diligent again make poetry.


Islamic armies moving forward to field muktah war. When the Muslims from a distance have been able to see their enemies, they estimate the magnitude of the Roman army of about two hundred thousand people ..., because according to the columns of the fact they seemed no end alhir and as if the innumerable ....!

The Muslims see their numbers were few, then stopped ... and some have
opinion said: "The good we send messengers to Rasululloh Shallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, preached the great enemy moderate amounts. Maybe we can help more troops, or if instructed to move forward then we obey ".But Ibn Rawahah, like the arrival of daylight stand up in between the rows of troops and stated: "Ladies and gentlemen! For the sake of Allah ta'ala, actually we fight against our enemies is not based on numbers, the strength or the number we do not fight their fight, but because defend our religion, which is to hold her we have glorified Allah ta'ala ... ! Ayohlah we go forward ....! One of the two goodness we definitely accomplished, victory or martyrdom in the way of Allah Ta'ala ...! "With cheering Muslims who bit his number but great faith that agreed. They shouted: "Indeed, for the sake of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, which is spelled correctly Ibn Rawahah ..!"Thus, troops continue to its destination, with far fewer numbers against an enemy who numbered 200,000 collected Romans to face a devastating war that no peerless.

Both forces, the army was met, then
raging battle between the two.

The first leader of Zaid bin Haritha fall as a noble martyr, followed by the second leader Ja'far ibn Abi Talib, until he gained martyrdom also with patience, and followed it anyway after this third leader, 'Abd Allah ibn Rawahah. Whene that he picked up the banner of the war on his right hand Ja'far, while the war had reached its peak. Almost-roughly the Islamic forces are small, swept destroyed between Roman troops who came membajir like flood, which have been collected by Heraclius for this purpose.

When he fought as a soldier, this Rawahah Ibn crashing into front and back, left and right without hesitation and care. Now that the entire army commander who will be held accountable for the life and death of his army, in order to be seen immediately as the greatness of the Roman army crossed and a wry sense of hesitation on her. But it was only for a moment, then he aroused the whole spirit and power and eliminate all concerns of himself, saying:"I have sworn O herself, advanced to the battlefieldBut why do I see you reject heaven ... ..O yourself, if you were not killed, you're definitely deadThis is the true death for a long time you later .......It was time what you desire during thisIf you follow the trail of the two, that's true knight ....! "(That is, both friend Zaid and Ja'far who have preceded the fall as a martyr).

Death of 

"If you do like them, that's a true warrior ... ..!" He also developed the Romans invaded by mettlesome ...... If not destiny Allah ta'ala that determines, that day it was when he promised would be to heaven, undoubtedly he will continue to cut down the enemy with his sword, to be able to kill a large number of them .... But the time of departure has arrived, which tells the beginning the journey return to the presence of Allah, then he went up as a martyr ... ..

His body fell down, but the holy spirit and substance officer going up to the Merciful, the Most High, and the peak was reached dreams: "To say, that if they meliwati my body: O warriors led by Allah ta'ala, and correct it has guided! "" Yes you are, yes Ibn Rawahah ....! You are a soldier who has been led by Allah ... ..! "

As a fierce battle was raging on earth Balqa 'in Sham, Rasululloh alaihi wa Sallam Shallallohu was sitting along the Companions in Medina while they discuss. Suddenly the conversation that goes with calm serene, the Prophet was silent, his eyes so wet glaze. He
to lift wink face with his eyes, to release the tumbling tear caused grief and compassion ...! As I looked around to face the companions with a view of emotion, he said: "Flag of war held by Zaid bin Haritha, he fought with him until he died as a martyr ... .. then taken over by Ja'far, and he also fought with him until martyr anyway .... ". Be! Iau silent for a moment, another continuation of his words: "Then the banner was held by Abdullah bin Rawahah and he fought with the banner, until finally he was a martyr · anyway".Then the Apostle silent again instantly, while his eyes glow, radiate joy, peace and longing, and said also:"The three of them diangkatkan to my place to heaven ...Manalagi trip nobler .......Where else deal happier .......They advanced to the battlefield together .......And they rose to heaven together anyway ....And given the best tribute to the eternal memory of their services, is greeting Rasululloh Shallallohu alaihi wa sallam, which reads: "They have diangkatkan to my place to heaven ......"

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