Friday 10 April 2015

Abu Dhar al-Ghifari (Died 32 H)

Abu Dhar al-Ghifari real name is Jundab bin Junadah attributed to his grandfather Junadah from Ghifar, he was a Kinani. Abu Dharr those skilled in worship before the coming of the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi respectfully. He is the fifth friend who first embraced Islam, he can only Hijrah after the war Trench.

Abu Dharr an ascetic who never store food for tomorrow. But the government era of Uthman, he invites people to establish a kind of Baitul Mal, this is driven humanity but Uthman ibn Affan was not interested in the idea and then he retreated to Rabadzah and settled there until his death. At the time of the accidental death of Ibn Mas'ud through to Rabadzah and menshalatkannya body.

Abu Dzaar narrated the hadith of 'Umar, Ibn Abbas, Ibn Umar and others. Who narrated from him, among others, Al-Hanaf bin Qais, Abdurahman ibn Ghanam and Atha '.

Most saheeh sanad yng stems thereof is narrated from Sham population of Sa'id ibn Abd al-Aziz path, dar Rabi'a ibn Yazid, from Abu Idris al-Khaulani, from Abu Dhar.

Abu Dharr narrated the hadith hadith 281.

He is a friend who converted to Islam from an early age. During his ignorance has banned drank alcohol and he never took part in the worship of idols and therefore he is a famous person piety. He always took the poor so that integration with the rich. He is following the conquest baitul maqdis with
caliph Umar. Prophet once said about him "May God give His grace to Abu Zar, who live alone, die alone and be resurrected itself anyway".

Although not as popular as great companions like Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and Ali, but the figure can not be released as the most enterprising figures apply egalitarian principles, equality in terms of spending wealth in the way of Allah. Opposition to all those who tend to cultivate a treasure to private interests, including his own companions.

At the time of Caliph Uthman, the opinion about the severity of the symptoms of nepotism and accumulation of wealth that occurred among the Quraish made he was criticized by many parties. He showed a similar attitude to the rule of Muawiyah who became governor of Syria. For him, it is the duty of every true Muslim to channel excess wealth to the poor brothers.

To Muawiyah who built a palace or castle Al Khizra green, gray Dhar admonish, "If you build this palace with state money, means you have misused state funds. If you build it with your own money means you have valid wasteful, "he said. Muawiyah was silent reprimand his friend.

Support to the spirit of social solidarity, concern for the haves to the poor, not only in words. The whole attitude of his life he showed to the spirit of growing efforts. Attitude wara 'and ascetic always be the behavior of his life. His attitude is what the Prophet praised. When the Apostle would die, Abu Dhar summoned. Hugging Abu Dhar, the Prophet said: "Abu Dhar will remain the same throughout his life. He will not change even if I die later. "Sayings of the Prophet was correct. Until his death later, Abu Dhar remain in simplicity and very pious.

Abu Dhar was born with the name Jundab. Previously, he was a robber who inherited his career as leader of the great robber caravan through the lane. Terror in the area around the trade channel is always done to get the treasure in easy way. Her life is filled with crime and violence. Anyone in the Arab lands that time know, Mecca-Syrian trade route controlled Ghiffar robber tribe, tribe.

However, little hearts Abu Dhar not actually receive it. Inner turmoil makes it very regretting the bad deeds. Finally he let go of all the positions and assets held. His people were diserunya to stop raiding. His actions lead to anger his tribe. Abu Dhar eventually moved to Nejed with his mother and brother, Anis, and settled at the residence of his uncle.

In this place he was not old. His ideas were revolutionary in relation to attitudes do not ignore each other and distribute the majority of properties owned, hateful people tribesmen. He also complained to her uncle. Abu Dhar moved back to the village near Mecca. This is where he got the news of Anis, about the presence of the Prophet with the teachings of Islam.

Abu Dhar immediately to the Messenger. Seeing his teachings are in line with the attitude of one's life, he finally converted to Islam. Without hesitation, he proclaimed his conversion in front of the Kaaba, while everyone is still keeping for fear of the consequences. Of course this statement incurs the wrath of the people of Mecca. He was beaten and nearly killed when Abbas, the uncle of the Prophet, not to intervene and remind citizens of Mecca that Abu Dhar is Ghiffar citizens who will seek revenge if they kill him.

Since then, Abu Dhar spends her days to reach the glory of Islam. The first task that falls on his shoulders Apostle is to teach Islam among his tribe. Apparently, not only the mother and brother, but almost all of his people who like to rob was eventually converted to Islam. His attitude that opposed all forms of wealth accumulation, he also goes to them. However, not everyone likes his actions. At the time of Caliph Uthman, he has come under fire from the Quraysh, including one of the characters, Muawiyah I.

One time ever Muawiyah who was then governor of Syria, organize debates between Abu Dhar with experts about his attitude. The goal is that Abu Dhar allow people to accumulate wealth. However, the effort was not shake the firmness of his views. Because annoyance, Caliph Muawiyah report to the particulars of Abu Dhar. Caliph immediately called Abu Dhar. Meet the call Caliph, Abu Dhar received rave reviews in Medina.

However, he did not settle in the Prophet's stay in the city because the rich people in the city did not like the call for equitable distribution of wealth separately. Finally Uthman asked Abu Dhar left Medina and stayed at Rabza, a small village in Iraq caravan trails Medina.

In this village of Abu Dhar died of old age 8 Hijjah 32 AH. His body lay in the path of the caravan was only attended by his widow. Almost no one to bury the Prophet's companions when there is no Hajj caravan to Mecca. Hajj caravan was immediately stopped and menshalati bodies with Abdullah ibn Masud priest, a prominent Islamic scholar of the period.

He died in the year 32 H.


- Biography of Abu Dharr in Ishabah Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani VII / 60, Thabaqaat Ibn Sa'ad IV / 161.

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